How Does Retouching Differ for Photographers, Brands, and Bloggers? Retouching for Photographers Photographers often seek retouchers to achieve a flawless result that aligns with their vision and style. Key Features: 1. Preserving the artistic style : Photographers value retouching that enhances their creative ideas without altering their unique style. 2. Attention to detail : Every element, from skin texture to lighting and color transitions, needs to be carefully refined. 3. Versatile tasks : Photographers work in various genres, including portraits, landscapes, and product photography, requiring flexibility in retouching. Retouching for Brands For brands, retouching is a way to create professional visuals that reflect their image and marketing goals. Key Features: 1. Consistent visual style : All brand images must align with their corporate identity, including colors and aesthetics. 2. Focus on the product : The product is the star of the image, whether it’...